Medcarex Deluxe all-in-one Worksafe BC Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 First Aid kits feature a modular approach and include a wool blanket.
Carl Murzello
Worksafe BC Level 1 First Aid Kit has everything you need packed into one unit including the wool blanket. Ample room to add additional supplies as needed.
The Medcarex Level 1 first aid kit makes it convenient to carry all the supplies to where they are needed. This kit contains alll the items specified by Worksafe BC WCB for places of business for upto 30 people. The Medcarex Level 1 First Aid Kit comes with a wool blanket and a Blanket case that keeps all the supplies together.
Being able to locate the kit quickly should garner some thought. This is why we include a first aid decal that can be used to identify the location of Emergency supplies.
Module 1 Wound management supplies
Module 2 Personal protection supplies
Module 3 Patient comfort Wool blanket
Module 4 (shipped in wound management case) Rescue essentials: CPR mask, bleeding control, fracture zap straps, finger splint
Worksafe BC Level 2 First Aid Kit has everything you need packed into one unit including the wool blanket. Ample room to add additional supplies as needed.
The Medcarex Level 2 first aid kit makes it convenient to carry all the supplies to where they are needed. This kit contains alll the items specified by Worksafe BC WCB for places of business for upto 30 people. The Medcarex Level 1 First Aid Kit comes with a wool blanket and a Blanket case that keeps all the supplies together.
Being able to locate the kit quickly should garner some thought. This is why we include a first aid decal that can be used to identify the location of Emergency supplies.
Module 1 Wound management supplies
Module 2 Personal protection supplies
Module 3 Patient comfort Wool blanket
Module 4 (shipped in wound management case) Rescue essentials: CPR mask, bleeding control, fracture zap straps, finger splint